a tired mind is the devil’s …..?

Had a relatively long day, writing isn’t really very high up on my list of priorities now but to give up bleeding so soon shows a lack of resolve. So here are some random thoughts.

Talking to parents after a certain age is a delightful thing. More so if you see each other more as friends, without the nagging fear of getting an earful. Nevertheless, its best when long interactions are kept at least a few days apart. Familiarity does breed contempt you know. Ever since dad’s passing, mum has been more of a friend and a long Skype conversation with her is ever so satisfying. Even if we spent the duration of our talk in heated debate over things. Especially religion.

More on religion some other time though.

The news talks about a certain person of a Volunteer organization trying to alter the menu in canteens in première educational institutions to be changed to vegetarian to follow true national culture. What a load of tripe. The Hindi speaking, brahmanical interpretation of Indian culture is only one out of a vast array of ideas that were part of this country’s identity since recorded history. The ability to assimilate, evolve and change has been the defining aspect of Indian culture, not its ability to stay steadfast to principles of a certain group or a certain age. The same group has been involved in in moral policing, a common problem in some cities in the South. They parrot about nationalism and patriotism and love for the country and all sorts of superficial rubbish, while simultaneously doing an amount of good, being the volunteer corps that it is. The appeal they have to even educated people is a terrifying prospect.

I’ve been using a Lumia device for a year and a half. Been an absolute joy, thinking of an upgrade but aim torn between the 925, 830, 1520 and 1320. Why the 1320? Thinking of having a phablet but don’t want to spend so much as a 1520. At the rate phone prices are dropping, one of these will definitely fall in suitable territory soon!

I’ve got a slide discussion tomorrow and will be talking on adenoid cystic carcinoma, so I’ve to prepare for that. Todays randomness ends here.

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